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Needles Of Dude! I SO Forgot I Bought This-ness, Crown What Says "Weird Fiber Lady", Magi Gift of Sweater Fittingness, Medallion of Good Playership, Vial of Longevity, Fairy-Boon of Fibery Endurance, Golden Row Counter, Sword of New Project Motivationing, Tome of Perseverance, Goblet of Nasal Douche, Crown of Charity Knitterliness, Knitting Soulmate, Sceptre of Returned Yarnybits, Gift Certificate of Guilt-Free Yarnage, Gold Star of Editing Might, Tiara of Capital K Knitterhood, Charm of Falling In Love With Old Stash Again, Shield of KnitMojo Silver, Tiara of Spinning Goddesshood, Ring of New Color Combinations, Barberpole of Love, New Favorite Handspun Yarn EVAR, Perfect Cast-on Award, The Wisdom To Know Better What NOT To Cast On and 1449 gold pieces
Neme is an Apprentice of Lime and Violet YARN RAIDERS.

Neme - Level 127 Barbarian

To browse the adventure histories, you must upgrade to a gold account.

Monday th 14th of December 2009

Neme earned 20XP and 9 gold for KCS - working for an Hour

"working on Intention Fiber (strength) "
2009-12-14 15:54:35

Sunday th 13th of December 2009

Neme earned 5XP and 2 gold for KCS - working for 15 minutes

"working on Intention Fiber (strength) "
2009-12-13 20:48:30

Neme earned 40XP and 6 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"working on Christmas Cowl and Intention Fiber (strength) "
2009-12-13 20:47:50

Neme earned 2XP and 2 gold for S - predrafting new fiber (half normal XP)

"1st half of Intention Fiber (strength) "
2009-12-13 18:23:35

Neme earned 20XP and 2 gold for S - Trying a New Fiber

"superwash BFL "
2009-12-13 18:23:04

Neme earned 20XP and 12 gold for KCS - working for an Hour

"preparing and sampling Intention fiber (strength)"
2009-12-13 18:22:06

Neme earned 30XP and 11 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (half-again XP)

"working on Christmas Dashing number 2. "
2009-12-13 14:49:31

Neme earned 20XP and 6 gold for S - 4 oz. Modifier Points

"Christmas Alpaca singles done"
2009-12-13 12:20:52

Neme earned 30XP and 10 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (half-again XP)

"working on Christmas Alpaca. "
2009-12-13 12:18:44

Neme earned 20XP and 10 gold for KCS - working for an Hour

"working on Christmas Cowl. "
2009-12-13 11:44:38

Saturday th 12th of December 2009

Neme earned 40XP and 10 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"working on Christmas Cowl and Christmas Alpaca. "
2009-12-12 20:09:27

Neme earned 20XP and 10 gold for KCS - working for an Hour

"working on Christmas Cowl. "
2009-12-12 14:06:34

Neme earned 5XP and 2 gold for KCS - stash enhancment acquisitioning (the day before)

"my order from the loopy-ewe came in yesterday. "
2009-12-12 12:25:06

Neme earned 10XP and 2 gold for KCS - organizing related supplies (the day before)

"re-organized yarn/fiber storage, and chistmas knitting projects. "
2009-12-12 12:24:07

Friday th 12th of December 2008

Neme earned 20XP and 8 gold for KC - trying a new skill

"magic loop"
2008-12-12 21:53:50

Tuesday th 2nd of December 2008

Neme earned 10XP and 4 gold for KCS - attending a stitch n' bitch

"S&B in the Student Union "
2008-12-02 22:03:13

Neme earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public!

"at S&B in the student union"
2008-12-02 22:02:49

Neme earned 20XP and 7 gold for KCS - working for an Hour

"spinning, sakina needles, superwash merino, Sleepy Hollow"
2008-12-02 22:02:33

Wednesday th 26th of November 2008

Neme earned 40XP and 10 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"spinning, sakina needles, superwash merino, Sleepy Hollow"
2008-11-26 22:40:38

Neme earned 10XP and 4 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (half normal XP)

"spinning, sakina needles, superwash merino, Sleepy Hollow"
2008-11-26 18:00:35

Neme earned 40XP and 12 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"spinning, sakina needles, superwash merino, Sleepy Hollow"
2008-11-26 17:59:51

Neme earned 20XP and 1 gold for S - 4 oz. Modifier Points

"finished sakina needles, superwash merino, rufus lupus"
2008-11-26 17:19:51

Neme earned 40XP and 11 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"spinning, sakina needles, superwash merino, rufus lupus"
2008-11-26 13:50:59

Neme earned 40XP and 9 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"spinning, sakina needles, superwash merino, rufus lupus"
2008-11-26 12:04:10

Tuesday th 25th of November 2008

Neme earned 50XP, 10 gold and a The Wisdom To Know Better What NOT To Cast On for KC - dancing with Sir Frogsalot

"smooshy socks"
2008-11-25 15:22:49

Monday th 24th of November 2008

Neme earned 40XP and 7 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"spinning, sakina needles, superwash merino, rufus lupus"
2008-11-24 23:04:06

Neme earned 40XP and 8 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"spinning domestic wool, dark brown"
2008-11-24 23:03:48

Saturday th 22nd of November 2008

Neme earned 20XP and 4 gold for KCS - working for an Hour

"spinning, sakina needles, superwash merino, rufus lupus"
2008-11-22 00:01:26

Friday th 21st of November 2008

Neme earned 40XP and 12 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"spinning, sakina needles, superwash merino, rufus lupus"
2008-11-21 21:38:31

Neme earned 40XP and 7 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"spinning, sakina needles, superwash merino, rufus lupus"
2008-11-21 21:38:06

Neme earned 40XP and 6 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"spinning, sakina needles, superwash merino, rufus lupus"
2008-11-21 16:53:40

Neme earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public! (the day before)

"spinngin at "
2008-11-21 07:05:26

Neme earned 40XP and 8 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"spinning, sakina needles, superwash merino, rufus lupus"
2008-11-21 07:05:07

Neme earned 40XP and 8 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"spinning, "
2008-11-21 07:04:48