STR: | 8 | Inventory: Medallion of Good Playership, Perfect Cast-on Award, Gift Certificate of Guilt-Free Yarnage, Crown of Austere Stash, Tome of Perseverance, Crown What Says "Weird Fiber Lady", Needles Of Dude! I SO Forgot I Bought This-ness and 149 gold pieces |
CON: | 16 | |
DEX: | 13 | |
CHR: | 9 | |
INT: | 17 | |
WIS: | 18 | |
XP: | 724 | |
Coggie is an Apprentice of Lime and Violet YARN RAIDERS. |
- January 2008 (598 XP)
- February 2008 (126 XP)
Coggie - Level 4 Druid
Wednesday th 20th of February 2008
Coggie earned 50XP and 7 gold for KCS - completing a misc project (2 days previously)
"Lemon & Violet shawl"
2008-02-20 11:56:54
Thursday th 14th of February 2008
Coggie earned 10XP, 2 gold and a Needles Of Dude! I SO Forgot I Bought This-ness for KCS - organizing related supplies
"new notions bag "
2008-02-14 23:22:08
Coggie earned 5XP and 2 gold for KCS - stash enhancment acquisitioning (7 days previously)
2008-02-14 23:21:28
Coggie earned 2XP, 2 gold and a Crown What Says "Weird Fiber Lady" for KCS - knitting (etc) in public!
"College class"
2008-02-14 23:19:48
Coggie earned 5XP and 1 gold for KCS - posting to a fiberblog with pictures
2008-02-14 23:18:14
Coggie earned 30XP and 15 gold for KCS - clearing out the stash
"Gave Alpaca to Auntie because she was depressed. Everyone knows Yarn cures all."
2008-02-14 23:15:28
Coggie earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public! (7 days previously)
"At Choir Recital for Regionals. Both kids are going on to State!"
2008-02-14 23:13:19
Coggie earned 20XP, 4 gold and a Tome of Perseverance for KCS - working for an Hour
"Knitting on lace Shawl"
2008-02-14 23:11:03
Coggie earned 2XP and 1 gold for KC-casting on a new project (5 days previously)
"Huggable Hedgehog"
2008-02-14 23:09:14
Thursday th 24th of January 2008
Coggie earned 50XP and 6 gold for KC - dancing with Sir Frogsalot
"Lace weight landscape shawl , need to buy sock yarn for it"
2008-01-24 22:20:27
Coggie earned 4XP and 1 gold for KC-casting on a new project (double XP)
"Cable Afghan"
2008-01-24 22:17:06
Coggie earned 2XP and 2 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public!
"At Panaras for 3 hours"
2008-01-24 22:16:13
Coggie earned 50XP and 5 gold for K - completing the first sock of a pair
"!st Carolina sock finished"
2008-01-24 22:15:08
Sunday th 20th of January 2008
Coggie earned 30XP and 6 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (half-again XP)
2008-01-20 21:46:42
Coggie earned 5XP, 9 gold and a Crown of Austere Stash for KCS - resisting the yarny calling
"Want to cast on for Hemlock ring , but won't until 2 more items completed."
2008-01-20 21:45:10
Coggie earned 16XP and 5 gold for KCS - completing a misc project (one-third normal XP)
"Squirrel Dishcloth is done!"
2008-01-20 21:44:05
Coggie earned 2XP and 1 gold for KC-casting on a new project
"4 embossed Hearts Cloth"
2008-01-20 21:43:22
Coggie earned 16XP and 5 gold for KCS - completing a misc project (one-third normal XP)
"Ballband Dish cloth"
2008-01-20 21:42:38
Coggie earned 50XP, 6 gold and a Gift Certificate of Guilt-Free Yarnage for KCS - completing a misc project
"The random bag is done!"
2008-01-20 21:41:28
Coggie earned 50XP and 2 gold for KCS - completing a UFO less than one year old
2008-01-20 21:41:21
Coggie earned 2XP and 1 gold for KC-casting on a new project
"Squirrel Dishcloth"
2008-01-20 21:40:39
Coggie earned 2XP, 1 gold and a Perfect Cast-on Award for KC-casting on a new project (the day before)
"Ball band Dishcloth"
2008-01-20 21:40:01
Coggie earned 2XP and 3 gold for KCS - listening to Lime and Violet
2008-01-20 21:39:20
Thursday th 17th of January 2008
Coggie earned 20XP and 4 gold for KCS - working for an Hour
"Turned heel in sock 1"
2008-01-17 20:26:32
Coggie earned 10XP and 2 gold for KCS - working for 15 minutes (double XP)
"I -cord handle for random purse"
2008-01-17 20:25:49
Coggie earned 2XP and 2 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public!
"Knitted during college class on socks"
2008-01-17 20:24:43
Tuesday th 15th of January 2008
Coggie earned 10XP and 3 gold for KCS - working for 15 minutes (double XP)
"Knit on socks"
2008-01-15 23:27:02
Coggie earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public!
"Automotive Advantage Auto Shop while my daughter painted their windows"
2008-01-15 23:25:03
Coggie earned 5XP and 2 gold for KCS - posting to a fiberblog with pictures
2008-01-15 14:46:51
Coggie earned 4XP and 3 gold for KCS - listening to Lime and Violet (double XP) (the day before)
"Listened to two Eps last night, made hubby listen to one , he loved it!"
2008-01-15 14:45:30
Sunday th 13th of January 2008
Coggie earned 40XP and 12 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)
"Working on Random bag still"
2008-01-13 18:07:49
Coggie earned 5XP and 4 gold for KCS - sharing the love (the day before)
"Taught MIL how to russian join and cable "
2008-01-13 18:06:14
Thursday th 10th of January 2008
Coggie earned 40XP and 4 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP) (the day before)
"Knit on my random bag"
2008-01-10 17:26:54
Coggie earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public! (3 days previously)
"KIP@Joes to go"
2008-01-10 17:24:22
Coggie earned 2XP and 2 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public!
"KIP @ Joes to go "
2008-01-10 17:22:00
Coggie earned 1XP and 1 gold for KC-casting on a new project (half normal XP)
"Socks only cast on for one so only 1 pt"
2008-01-10 17:19:25
Wednesday th 9th of January 2008
Coggie earned 75XP and 8 gold for KC - dancing with Sir Frogsalot (half-again XP)
"Matching skull caps gone to frog- Stranding so 2 balls UGG"
2008-01-09 19:31:57
Coggie earned 100XP and 10 gold for K - completing the second sock of a pair
"Slinky socks finally done"
2008-01-09 19:30:20
Friday th 4th of January 2008
Coggie earned 1XP, 4 gold and a Medallion of Good Playership for ALL - reading the directions
"YAY I am started on a new adventure!"
2008-01-04 14:04:47