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golden bubble, leash, Cloth Napkin (x2), paperback, platinum dust pan, gold dust pan and 3317 gold pieces
Gretchen is an Apprentice of Reclaiming The Home.

Gretchen - Level 12 Ranger

To browse the adventure histories, you must upgrade to a gold account.

Wednesday th 9th of April 2008

Gretchen earned 60XP for Doing Something Creative

"Started knitting new dishcloth for house."
2008-04-09 17:22:10

Gretchen earned 35XP, 89 gold and a Cloth Napkin for Cook Dinner

"Stake, potatoes, carrots & onions with seasoning and little water in cassarole dish and in the oven"
2008-04-09 17:19:37

Gretchen earned 5XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table

2008-04-09 16:24:18

Gretchen earned 10XP and 22 gold for Wash Clothes

"bathroom rug"
2008-04-09 16:23:17

Gretchen earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes

2008-04-09 16:22:59

Gretchen earned 10XP and 21 gold for Wash Clothes (the day before)

2008-04-09 13:38:20

Gretchen earned 10XP and 24 gold for Wash Clothes

"Kids colors"
2008-04-09 13:34:00

Gretchen earned 10XP and 48 gold for Put Clothes Away

"towels from yesterday"
2008-04-09 13:33:44

Gretchen earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes

"towels from yesterday"
2008-04-09 13:33:16

Gretchen earned 20XP and 30 gold for Cleaning the window coverings

"bathroom window screen"
2008-04-09 13:32:36

Gretchen earned 25XP and 50 gold for Scrub The Tub

2008-04-09 13:30:31

Gretchen earned 10XP and 11 gold for Clean off Bathroom Counters & Sink

2008-04-09 13:30:11

Gretchen earned 5XP and 10 gold for Clean the Counters

2008-04-09 13:09:31

Gretchen earned 13XP and 50 gold for Mop

"son mopped LR/DR"
2008-04-09 13:08:17

Gretchen earned 10XP and 20 gold for Wiping off Washer and Dryer

2008-04-09 12:53:35

Gretchen earned 14XP, 20 gold and a gold dust pan for Sweep (double XP)

"daughter did all"
2008-04-09 12:41:48

Gretchen earned 20XP and 25 gold for Wash the Windows

"Son did all "
2008-04-09 12:41:23

Gretchen earned 10XP and 23 gold for Wash Clothes

"Kids jeans"
2008-04-09 12:40:43

Gretchen earned 10XP and 20 gold for Taking out Trash / Recycling

2008-04-09 12:40:18

Gretchen earned 30XP and 28 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher)

2008-04-09 12:39:30

Gretchen earned 5XP and 10 gold for Outdoors Small (the day before)

"pick up toys in back yard"
2008-04-09 12:00:49

Gretchen earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes

2008-04-09 11:52:10

Gretchen earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"homecooked for dogs"
2008-04-09 11:51:26

Gretchen earned 20XP and 35 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

2008-04-09 11:50:35

Gretchen earned 25XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed

2008-04-09 11:49:44

Saturday th 29th of March 2008

Gretchen earned 30XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (double XP)

"2hours at home show w/family"
2008-03-29 12:56:52

Gretchen earned 60XP for Doing Something Creative

"working on crochet soaker"
2008-03-29 09:45:28

Gretchen earned 20XP and 25 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"breakfast w/family"
2008-03-29 09:44:12

Gretchen earned 22XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (half-again XP)

"dressed to shoes, brushed hair"
2008-03-29 09:42:44

Friday th 28th of March 2008

Gretchen earned 30XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (double XP)

"dinner theater with friend"
2008-03-28 15:28:11

Gretchen earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hair and Nail Care

"Full hair and makeup to go to dinner theater tonight w/friend"
2008-03-28 15:27:06

Gretchen earned 60XP for Doing Something Creative

"Starting a crocheted wool soaker for baby"
2008-03-28 12:20:25

Gretchen earned 10XP and 15 gold for Put Dishes Away

2008-03-28 12:02:35

Gretchen earned 20XP and 30 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"sandwiches with kids"
2008-03-28 12:01:49

Gretchen earned 30XP and 15 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher)

2008-03-28 12:00:35

Gretchen earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"Feed & water Frenchie"
2008-03-28 10:36:37

Gretchen earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep

"Laundry room"
2008-03-28 10:35:27

Gretchen earned 7XP, 20 gold and a platinum dust pan for Sweep

2008-03-28 10:35:12

Gretchen earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep

2008-03-28 10:34:48

Gretchen earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep

2008-03-28 10:34:17

Gretchen earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep

2008-03-28 10:33:31

Gretchen earned 30XP, 28 gold and a paperback for Library Trip (double XP)

"Homeschool the kids"
2008-03-28 10:15:28

Gretchen earned 60XP for Doing Something Creative (the day before)

"More work on the wool diaper soaker"
2008-03-28 07:44:44

Gretchen earned 20XP and 32 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"Oatmeal for me and kids"
2008-03-28 07:39:01

Gretchen earned 30XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (double XP)

"Shower and dress to shoes."
2008-03-28 07:38:16

Gretchen earned 24XP and 50 gold for Sticking to Diet - Whole Day (the day before)

2008-03-28 07:37:30

Gretchen earned 25XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed

"Master bed"
2008-03-28 07:36:39

Thursday th 27th of March 2008

Gretchen earned 60XP for Doing Something Creative

"working on wool diaper cover. "
2008-03-27 17:21:42

Gretchen earned 25XP and 50 gold for Scrub The Tub

"scrubbed the walls and tub"
2008-03-27 14:29:06

Gretchen earned 20XP and 34 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies w/kids"
2008-03-27 12:53:56

Gretchen earned 20XP and 25 gold for Wash the Windows

"Entryway storm door "
2008-03-27 12:26:27

Gretchen earned 2XP and 14 gold for Clean the Counters (half normal XP)

"Cleaned off ledge behind stove (grease/dust build up)"
2008-03-27 12:25:23

Gretchen earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes

2008-03-27 12:24:34

Gretchen earned 5XP and 16 gold for Wiping off Stove Top

2008-03-27 12:24:11

Gretchen earned 5XP and 11 gold for Clean the Counters

2008-03-27 12:23:43

Gretchen earned 60XP and 60 gold for Misc. Errands - 1 hour

"Kids to art class and coffee with moms"
2008-03-27 12:22:15

Gretchen earned 35XP, 100 gold and a Cloth Napkin for Cook Dinner

"pork spareribs in crockpot"
2008-03-27 12:20:57

Gretchen earned 25XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed

2008-03-27 07:37:02

Gretchen earned 20XP and 32 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (the day before)

2008-03-27 07:36:15

Gretchen earned 10XP and 15 gold for Put Dishes Away

2008-03-27 07:35:29

Wednesday th 26th of March 2008

Gretchen earned 30XP and 50 gold for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs)

2008-03-26 17:26:22

Gretchen earned 15XP and 25 gold for Drinking 8 glasses Water

2008-03-26 17:25:01

Gretchen earned 10XP and 22 gold for Wash Clothes

"Washing a sleeping bag of Son's"
2008-03-26 17:24:05

Gretchen earned 60XP for Doing Something Creative

"knitting a few rows on a wool soaker for grandchild coming in Oct."
2008-03-26 17:22:25

Gretchen earned 35XP and 83 gold for Cook Dinner

2008-03-26 17:21:21

Gretchen earned 15XP and 20 gold for Make out the Grocery List

"Parused Weekly flyers for sales made list for 2 stores"
2008-03-26 16:01:37

Gretchen earned 20XP and 29 gold for Cleaning Microwave

2008-03-26 16:01:11

Gretchen earned 30XP, 50 gold and a leash for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs)

2008-03-26 15:40:03

Gretchen earned 25XP, 50 gold and a golden bubble for Scrub The Tub

2008-03-26 15:39:04

Gretchen earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

"cleaned up couch folded afghans and put pillows neatly on."
2008-03-26 15:37:22

Gretchen earned 22XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (half-again XP)

"Shower and Dress to shoes"
2008-03-26 15:15:13

Gretchen earned 30XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other (double XP)

"Homeschool Daughter"
2008-03-26 15:13:38

Gretchen earned 30XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other (double XP)

"Homeschool Son"
2008-03-26 15:13:07

Gretchen earned 20XP and 20 gold for Wiping off Washer and Dryer (double XP)

"Wiped down washer/dryer took out trash and wiped down water heater."
2008-03-26 15:02:57

Gretchen earned 5XP and 45 gold for Vacuum (one-quarter normal XP)

"Daughter vacuumed the hall"
2008-03-26 14:46:18

Gretchen earned 10XP and 50 gold for Clean the Toilet (half normal XP)

"Son did this"
2008-03-26 14:37:10

Gretchen used up a copper dust pan.

2008-03-26 14:29:36

Gretchen used up a golden eggs.

2008-03-26 14:29:34

Gretchen used up a golden toothbrush.

2008-03-26 14:29:29

Gretchen used up a rubber gloves.

2008-03-26 14:29:21

Gretchen earned 2XP and 38 gold for Put Clothes Away (one-quarter normal XP)

"Daughter put them away in her dresser."
2008-03-26 14:28:10

Gretchen earned 6XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes (one-quarter normal XP)

"Daughter got them out of the dryer and folded."
2008-03-26 14:27:06

Gretchen earned 10XP and 45 gold for Vacuum (half normal XP)

"Daughter vacuumed her bedroom"
2008-03-26 14:22:24

Gretchen earned 5XP and 40 gold for Dusting (one-quarter normal XP)

"Livingroom side tables."
2008-03-26 14:21:29

Gretchen earned 10XP and 47 gold for Put Clothes Away

2008-03-26 14:20:54

Gretchen earned 20XP and 40 gold for Dusting

"Entertainment Center"
2008-03-26 14:06:32

Gretchen earned 30XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes (double XP)

"got rid of 2 boxes of yarn in various stages of projects that I will not ever finish."
2008-03-26 14:03:44

Gretchen earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep

"Swept around computer desk and printer stand"
2008-03-26 13:54:09

Gretchen earned 2XP and 35 gold for Put Clothes Away (one-quarter normal XP)

2008-03-26 13:27:23

Gretchen earned 10XP and 30 gold for Wash Clothes

"White load"
2008-03-26 13:17:26

Gretchen earned 12XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes (half normal XP)

"daughter did this as these were her clothes"
2008-03-26 13:16:54

Gretchen earned 22XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes (half-again XP)

"cleaned off/wiped down computer desk"
2008-03-26 13:14:18

Gretchen earned 7XP and 25 gold for Sanitize Doorknobs, Light Switches, Etc. (half normal XP)

"Had daughter clean remotes and telephone"
2008-03-26 13:02:21

Gretchen earned 15XP and 25 gold for Sanitize Doorknobs, Light Switches, Etc.

"Had son do this."
2008-03-26 13:01:37

Gretchen earned 100XP and 40 gold for Declutter 40 items

"Put a bunch of stuff in a box, put it out on my front porch, and posted to Freecycle, will be disposed of this evening"
2008-03-26 12:55:35

Gretchen earned 13XP and 50 gold for Mop

"Mopped Diningroom floor"
2008-03-26 12:54:44

Gretchen earned 3XP, 20 gold and a copper dust pan for Sweep (half normal XP)

"Swept entry way"
2008-03-26 12:06:47

Gretchen earned 14XP and 20 gold for Sweep (double XP)

"Moved livingroom chairs and coffee table and swept"
2008-03-26 12:06:07

Gretchen earned 14XP and 20 gold for Sweep (double XP)

"Moved and swept under table and chairs"
2008-03-26 12:05:23

Gretchen earned 7XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (half normal XP)

"put kids items into a pile and had them take to their rooms"
2008-03-26 12:02:18

Gretchen earned 7XP and 20 gold for Correspondence / Phone Calls (one-quarter normal XP)

"Sent out email to Freecycle to rid house of unneeded items."
2008-03-26 11:58:40

Gretchen earned 10XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table (double XP)

"Cleaned off, wiped down table & chairs including legs and pedistal."
2008-03-26 11:56:26

Gretchen earned 5XP and 12 gold for Clean the Counters

"3 counters cleaned"
2008-03-26 11:48:07

Gretchen earned 10XP and 28 gold for Wash Clothes

"Dark Load"
2008-03-26 11:43:44

Gretchen earned 5XP and 40 gold for Put Clothes Away (half normal XP)

"towels to bathroom and kitchen"
2008-03-26 11:43:09

Gretchen earned 8XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes (one-third normal XP)

"Small load of towels "
2008-03-26 11:42:31

Gretchen earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep

2008-03-26 11:41:58

Gretchen earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

2008-03-26 11:30:18

Gretchen earned 10XP and 20 gold for Taking out Trash / Recycling

2008-03-26 11:27:45

Gretchen earned 10XP, 12 gold and a golden toothbrush for Clean off Bathroom Counters & Sink

2008-03-26 11:26:58

Gretchen earned 10XP and 30 gold for Wash Clothes

"Colors load"
2008-03-26 11:06:43

Gretchen earned 7XP and 11 gold for Wiping off Stove Top (half-again XP)

2008-03-26 11:06:10

Gretchen earned 50XP, 50 gold and a golden eggs for Clean the Fridge

2008-03-26 11:05:34

Gretchen earned 20XP and 25 gold for Wash the Windows

"Son's room"
2008-03-26 11:04:41

Gretchen earned 20XP and 25 gold for Wash the Windows

"Daughters room"
2008-03-26 11:04:26

Gretchen earned 20XP and 25 gold for Wash the Windows

"Master Bedroom"
2008-03-26 11:04:06

Gretchen earned 20XP and 25 gold for Wash the Windows

"Diningroom Slider"
2008-03-26 11:03:51

Gretchen earned 20XP and 25 gold for Wash the Windows

2008-03-26 11:03:36

Gretchen earned 5XP and 8 gold for Wash a Mirror

2008-03-26 11:03:20

Gretchen earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"Feed Frenchie"
2008-03-26 10:48:47

Gretchen earned 10XP and 15 gold for Dusting off Fan Blades

"Master Bedroom"
2008-03-26 10:45:02

Gretchen earned 10XP and 15 gold for Dusting off Fan Blades

2008-03-26 10:44:42

Gretchen earned 10XP and 25 gold for Wash Clothes

"Kitchen towels"
2008-03-26 10:39:28

Gretchen earned 10XP, 41 gold and a rubber gloves for Dishes (By Hand) (one-quarter normal XP)

2008-03-26 10:38:30

Gretchen earned 30XP and 15 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher)

2008-03-26 10:38:00

Gretchen earned 25XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed

2008-03-26 10:37:23