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Bagless Vac (x3), reusable grocery bag, rinse aid (x3), silver dust pan, Fluffy Pillow, rubber gloves (x2), Shiny Swiffer (x2), Magical Mop (x3), gold dust pan (x2), Shop Vac (x5), Teddy Bear (x5), Golden Bubble (x4), 3-Paws-Up Award (x5), platinum dust pan, dishcloth (x3), Hand Vac (x2), collar, dish detergent (x2), Bucket & Sponge, golden bubble (x2), golden plunger, golden eggs (x2), Down Comforter (x2), spatula, leash (x2), Cloth Napkin, dish scrubber, tasty treat, golden toothbrush, Fluffy Wool Duster and 22351 gold pieces
Jennichrys is an Apprentice of Reclaiming The Home.

Jennichrys - Level 75 Fighter

To browse the adventure histories, you must upgrade to a gold account.

Tuesday th 15th of April 2008

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes

2008-04-15 20:41:44

Jennichrys earned 60XP for Doing Something Creative

"Spinning during American Idol"
2008-04-15 20:41:04

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 9 gold for Wiping off Stove Top

2008-04-15 20:40:43

Jennichrys earned 2XP and 5 gold for Flossing

2008-04-15 20:40:19

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 8 gold for Take Daily Vitamins

2008-04-15 20:40:01

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (double XP)

"3rd and 4th day time lamb feedings"
2008-04-15 20:39:27

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"3rd and 4th day time lamb feedings"
2008-04-15 20:38:45

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 27 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher)

2008-04-15 20:38:23

Jennichrys earned 35XP and 97 gold for Cook Dinner

"baked honey sage chicken, brown rice, acorn squash"
2008-04-15 20:37:45

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 32 gold for Put Clothes Away

2008-04-15 20:37:15

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 12 gold for Clean the Counters

2008-04-15 20:36:56

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table (double XP)

"kitchen and dining room tables"
2008-04-15 20:36:36

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

2008-04-15 20:36:18

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"set up electric fence controller"
2008-04-15 20:35:58

Jennichrys earned 30XP, 50 gold and a leash for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs)

"set up temp pasture fence"
2008-04-15 20:35:30

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other

"washed diaper pail"
2008-04-15 20:34:57

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Line Drying Laundry

2008-04-15 20:34:35

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 22 gold for Wash Clothes

2008-04-15 20:34:04

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

"dining room"
2008-04-15 20:33:43

Jennichrys earned 40XP, 40 gold and a Fluffy Wool Duster for Dusting (double XP)

"Library and Dining Room"
2008-04-15 20:33:26

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP)

"library and den"
2008-04-15 20:32:56

Jennichrys earned 25XP, 50 gold and a golden bubble for Scrub The Tub

"guest bath tub"
2008-04-15 20:32:24

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 40 gold for Dusting (double XP)

"Guest Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-15 20:31:58

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP)

"Guest Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-15 20:31:31

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 45 gold for Put Clothes Away

2008-04-15 20:31:08

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 44 gold for Put Clothes Away (double XP)

"cold and hot washes "
2008-04-15 20:30:40

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes

2008-04-15 20:30:17

Jennichrys earned 50XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes (double XP)

"cold and hot washes "
2008-04-15 20:29:48

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 32 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"Snack for DD"
2008-04-15 20:29:29

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 50 gold for Clean the Toilet (double XP)

"master and guest baths"
2008-04-15 20:28:58

Jennichrys earned 20XP, 13 gold and a golden toothbrush for Clean off Bathroom Counters & Sink (double XP)

"master and guest baths"
2008-04-15 20:28:32

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 40 gold for Dusting (double XP)

"Master Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-15 20:28:11

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP)

"Master Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-15 20:27:46

Jennichrys earned 7XP, 20 gold and a gold dust pan for Sweep

"front porch"
2008-04-15 20:27:26

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (double XP)

"1st and 2nd Day time lamb feedings "
2008-04-15 20:26:55

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 32 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (double XP)

"Breakfast and Lunch for me and DD"
2008-04-15 20:26:32

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"big sheep and chickens"
2008-04-15 20:26:00

Jennichrys earned 50XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed (double XP)

"master and guest beds"
2008-04-15 20:25:27

Jennichrys earned 60XP, 50 gold and a tasty treat for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs) (double XP)

"1am and 5am lamb feedings"
2008-04-15 20:24:52

Monday th 14th of April 2008

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 25 gold for Updating Blog / Website (double XP)

"updated home and farm blog"
2008-04-14 21:08:37

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Correspondence / Phone Calls (half normal XP)

"DD's dr. appt and feed store inquiry"
2008-04-14 21:07:31

Jennichrys earned 60XP and 60 gold for Misc. Errands - 1 hour

"feed store for bottle nipples and milk replacer"
2008-04-14 21:06:43

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes

"get me and DD ready to go out"
2008-04-14 21:06:07

Jennichrys earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep

2008-04-14 21:05:43

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 50 gold for Put Clothes Away

2008-04-14 21:05:15

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes

2008-04-14 21:04:56

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed

"Made Master Bed"
2008-04-14 21:04:33

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 23 gold for Wash Clothes

"Hot wash"
2008-04-14 21:04:09

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 20 gold for Wash Clothes (double XP)

"casuals and whites"
2008-04-14 21:03:03

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"5th lamb feeding"
2008-04-14 21:01:17

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (double XP)

"3rd and 4th lamb feedings"
2008-04-14 21:00:51

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 13 gold for Put Dishes Away

2008-04-14 21:00:30

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher)

2008-04-14 21:00:00

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 29 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"Lunch for me and DD"
2008-04-14 20:59:24

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 19 gold for Wiping off Stove Top

2008-04-14 11:16:30

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 12 gold for Clean the Counters

2008-04-14 11:16:04

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table (double XP)

"kitchen and dining room tables"
2008-04-14 11:15:41

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

2008-04-14 11:15:11

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP)

"Library and Dining Room"
2008-04-14 11:14:56

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

"Guest Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-14 11:14:34

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP)

"Master Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-14 11:13:24

Jennichrys earned 20XP, 27 gold and a Golden Bubble for Wash Clothes (double XP)

"master sheets and jeans"
2008-04-14 11:12:02

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other

"Sorted 4 loads of laundry"
2008-04-14 11:11:01

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed

"Re-made the crib"
2008-04-14 11:10:26

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 46 gold for Changing Bedding (double XP)

"Stripped master bed and crib"
2008-04-14 11:09:51

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (double XP)

"1st and 2nd Day time lamb feedings "
2008-04-14 11:09:15

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"barn critters"
2008-04-14 11:08:51

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 25 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"Breakfast for me and DD"
2008-04-14 11:08:09

Jennichrys earned 22XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (half-again XP)

"Me and DD's morning routine"
2008-04-14 11:07:15

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 50 gold for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs)

"4 am lamb feeding... bigger uhhhhggg"
2008-04-14 03:35:33

Sunday th 13th of April 2008

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 50 gold for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs)

"Midnight bottle feeding for lamb.....uhhhgggg."
2008-04-13 23:20:21

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (double XP)

"3rd and 4th of 4 feedings"
2008-04-13 21:11:57

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (double XP)

"1st and 2nd of 4 feedings for 1 week old baby"
2008-04-13 21:10:15

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes

"Pull out all my lambing supplies...again"
2008-04-13 21:00:16

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 5 gold for Take Daily Vitamins

2008-04-13 20:29:54

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 50 gold for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs)

2008-04-13 20:29:23

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Planting / Transplanting (double XP)

"put down grass seed and straw"
2008-04-13 20:28:26

Jennichrys earned 50XP and 50 gold for Outdoors: Large (double XP)

"Mucked out both stalls"
2008-04-13 20:27:59

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 26 gold for Wash Clothes

"Diapers, covers, wipes and doublers"
2008-04-13 20:25:07

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 47 gold for Put Clothes Away

"Diapers, covers, wipes and doublers"
2008-04-13 20:24:48

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 18 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher)

2008-04-13 20:24:11

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

"Picked up the Dining Room"
2008-04-13 20:20:41

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes

"unpacked suit cases"
2008-04-13 20:20:19

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 30 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"Breakfast for me and DD"
2008-04-13 20:19:45

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes (the day before)

"unpacked car"
2008-04-13 20:19:12

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (double XP) (the day before)

"2 hr drive home"
2008-04-13 20:18:44

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed (the day before)

"Packed DD's crib and accessories for travelings"
2008-04-13 20:18:14

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (the day before)

"took a ride with all the kids to the pond and the fields"
2008-04-13 20:17:10

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 32 gold for Dishes (By Hand) (the day before)

"washed dishes for Grandma"
2008-04-13 20:11:42

Jennichrys earned 35XP and 94 gold for Cook Dinner (the day before)

"made dinner for 6 with Grandma"
2008-04-13 20:10:27

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (double XP) (the day before)

"family time 4pm to 6pm"
2008-04-13 20:09:17

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (double XP) (the day before)

"family time from 2pm to 4pm"
2008-04-13 20:08:15

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 30 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (the day before)

"Lunch for me and DD"
2008-04-13 20:07:24

Jennichrys earned 22XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (half-again XP) (the day before)

"fishing with cousin and his two boys"
2008-04-13 20:06:41

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour

2008-04-13 20:06:03

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour

2008-04-13 20:05:07

Jennichrys earned 25XP, 50 gold and a Down Comforter for Make the Bed (the day before)

"Set up DD's crib at Grandmother's"
2008-04-13 20:04:11

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (the day before)

2008-04-13 20:02:48

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 26 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (the day before)

"Snack for DD"
2008-04-13 20:02:06

Jennichrys earned 22XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (half-again XP) (the day before)

"visit with Maw-maw 11 to 12:30"
2008-04-13 20:01:18

Jennichrys earned 2XP and 5 gold for Flossing (the day before)

2008-04-13 19:59:34

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (the day before)

"visit with Great Aunt 10 to 11 am"
2008-04-13 19:58:16

Jennichrys earned 40XP, 46 gold and a dish scrubber for Dishes (By Hand) (the day before)

"did dishes at Moms"
2008-04-13 19:57:17

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 30 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (the day before)

"Breakfast for me and DD"
2008-04-13 19:55:51

Jennichrys earned 50XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed (double XP) (the day before)

"made my bed and put away DD's crib"
2008-04-13 19:55:19

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes (the day before)

"repacked car"
2008-04-13 19:54:33

Jennichrys earned 22XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (half-again XP) (2 days previously)

"family time 8:30pm to 10pm"
2008-04-13 19:53:48

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed (2 days previously)

"set up DD's crib at parents house"
2008-04-13 19:52:42

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (2 days previously)

"family time 7pm to 8pm"
2008-04-13 19:52:05

Jennichrys earned 35XP, 78 gold and a Cloth Napkin for Cook Dinner (2 days previously)

"made dinner for 6 with Grandma"
2008-04-13 19:51:23

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (double XP) (2 days previously)

"2 hr drive to Grandmother's"
2008-04-13 19:49:29

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes (2 days previously)

"packed the car"
2008-04-13 19:47:30

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes (2 days previously)

"Packed knitting bags and gift bags"
2008-04-13 19:47:02

Jennichrys earned 60XP for Doing Something Creative

"Washing, blocking and putting buttons on baby sweater and stole"
2008-04-13 19:43:47

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 40 gold for Hand Washing - Small (2 days previously)

"washed baby sweater and stole for blocking"
2008-04-13 19:42:37

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes

"packed suitcase for travel - me and DD's stuff"
2008-04-13 19:39:16

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes (2 days previously)

"Packed DD's crib and accessories for travelings"
2008-04-13 19:38:47

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 17 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher) (2 days previously)

2008-04-13 19:38:21

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (2 days previously)

"Picked up the Dining Room"
2008-04-13 19:36:50

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 31 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (2 days previously)

"Lunch for me and DD"
2008-04-13 19:36:22

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP) (2 days previously)

"Den and Library"
2008-04-13 19:34:30

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 29 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (2 days previously)

"After nap snack for DD"
2008-04-13 19:33:35

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 30 gold for Outdoors: Average (2 days previously)

"Pulled up temp fencing for sheep"
2008-04-13 19:32:43

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 10 gold for Outdoors Small (2 days previously)

"watered seed"
2008-04-13 19:30:44

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Planting / Transplanting (2 days previously)

"put down grass seed and straw"
2008-04-13 19:30:04

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 30 gold for Tilling/Hoeing/Digging (2 days previously)

"turned over chicken yard"
2008-04-13 19:29:27

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 5 gold for Clean the Counters (2 days previously)

2008-04-13 19:28:53

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table (2 days previously)

2008-04-13 19:28:34

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (2 days previously)

2008-04-13 19:28:04

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 13 gold for Put Dishes Away (2 days previously)

2008-04-13 19:27:42

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 45 gold for Vacuum (2 days previously)

2008-04-13 19:27:07

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Line Drying Laundry (2 days previously)

"kitchen and bath towels"
2008-04-13 19:26:31

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 27 gold for Wash Clothes (2 days previously)

"kitchen and bath towels"
2008-04-13 19:25:50

Jennichrys earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep (2 days previously)

"front porch"
2008-04-13 19:25:09

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 11 gold for Clean off Bathroom Counters & Sink (double XP) (2 days previously)

"both bathrooms"
2008-04-13 19:24:16

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP) (2 days previously)

"Guest Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-13 19:23:15

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP) (2 days previously)

"Master Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-13 19:22:36

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 26 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (2 days previously)

"Breakfast for me and DD"
2008-04-13 19:21:57

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (2 days previously)

"barn critters"
2008-04-13 19:21:15

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"barn critters"
2008-04-13 19:20:45

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed (2 days previously)

"Master Bedroom"
2008-04-13 19:18:52

Jennichrys earned 2XP and 5 gold for Flossing (2 days previously)

2008-04-13 19:18:13

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (double XP) (2 days previously)

"shower, hair, makeup, teeth, DD's wash, hair and teeth"
2008-04-13 19:16:20

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (double XP)

"Shower, hair, makeup, teeth, DD"
2008-04-13 19:15:38

Thursday th 10th of April 2008

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes

"put fleece bins in the basement"
2008-04-10 22:25:44

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (double XP)

"Shower, hair, teeth, makeup & DD"
2008-04-10 21:40:53

Jennichrys earned 7XP and 25 gold for Drinking 8 glasses Water (half normal XP)

2008-04-10 21:39:59

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Raking

"sticks and acorns"
2008-04-10 21:39:31

Jennichrys earned 30XP for Doing Something Creative (half normal XP)

"spinning 30 minutes"
2008-04-10 21:38:22

Jennichrys earned 30XP, 50 gold and a leash for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs)

"set up temp pasture fence"
2008-04-10 21:37:49

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"barn critters"
2008-04-10 21:37:30

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 22 gold for Wash Clothes

"Diapers, covers, wipes and doublers"
2008-04-10 21:35:09

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 38 gold for Put Clothes Away

"Diapers, covers, wipes and doublers"
2008-04-10 21:34:06

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Line Drying Laundry

"Diapers, covers, wipes and doublers"
2008-04-10 21:33:43

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 18 gold for Wiping off Stove Top

2008-04-10 21:33:26

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Make out the Grocery List

2008-04-10 21:32:48

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 17 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher)

2008-04-10 21:32:03

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 28 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (double XP)

"Breakfast and Lunch for me and DD"
2008-04-10 21:31:28

Jennichrys earned 35XP and 86 gold for Cook Dinner

"steamed chicken breasts with spinach and zucchini"
2008-04-10 21:30:58

Jennichrys earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep

2008-04-10 21:30:43

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 9 gold for Clean the Counters

2008-04-10 21:30:25

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table

"kitchen and dining room tables"
2008-04-10 21:29:26

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (double XP)

"Hung out with family and wooly critters"
2008-04-10 21:28:54

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 30 gold for Errand - 30 minutes

"Hardware store run"
2008-04-10 21:28:35

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 75 gold for Grocery Shopping

2008-04-10 21:28:04

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed

"Master Bedroom"
2008-04-10 21:27:37

Jennichrys earned 2XP and 5 gold for Flossing

2008-04-10 21:27:00

Jennichrys earned 2XP and 5 gold for Flossing

2008-04-10 21:26:54

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 15 gold for Clean off Bathroom Counters & Sink (double XP)

"both bathrooms"
2008-04-10 21:26:33

Jennichrys earned 20XP, 34 gold and a Bagless Vac for Vacuum

2008-04-10 21:26:02

Jennichrys earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep

"Front Porch"
2008-04-10 21:25:32

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP)

"Dining room and Kitchen"
2008-04-10 21:25:12

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP)

"Den and Library"
2008-04-10 21:24:44

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP)

"Guest Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-10 21:23:46

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP)

"Master Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-10 21:23:22

Jennichrys earned 50XP and 100 gold for Doing a BIG JOB

"Basement laundry mess"
2008-04-10 21:22:10

Wednesday th 9th of April 2008

Jennichrys earned 60XP for Doing Something Creative

2008-04-09 21:03:57

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes

"Morning routine"
2008-04-09 20:04:40

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 30 gold for Outdoors: Average (double XP)

"hung, wired, connected and electrified fence chargers... twice.. since the first one didn't work"
2008-04-09 20:03:34

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Outdoors: Large

"set up temp pasture fence"
2008-04-09 20:03:08

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"barn critters"
2008-04-09 20:02:15

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 21 gold for Wash Clothes (double XP)

"Whites and house rugs"
2008-04-09 20:01:38

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 44 gold for Put Clothes Away (double XP)

"whites and house rugs"
2008-04-09 20:01:15

Jennichrys earned 50XP and 50 gold for Line Drying Laundry (double XP)

"Whites and house rugs"
2008-04-09 20:00:53

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes

2008-04-09 20:00:36

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 8 gold for Wiping off Stove Top

2008-04-09 20:00:21

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 20 gold for Taking out Trash / Recycling

2008-04-09 20:00:04

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 14 gold for Put Dishes Away

2008-04-09 19:59:52

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 26 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"After nap snack for DD"
2008-04-09 19:59:19

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 29 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (double XP)

"Breakfast and Lunch for me and DD"
2008-04-09 19:58:59

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 7 gold for Clean the Counters

2008-04-09 19:58:45

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table (double XP)

"kitchen and dining room tables"
2008-04-09 19:58:25

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour

"Hung out with family and wooly critters"
2008-04-09 19:58:01

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 30 gold for Errand - 30 minutes

"Fancy Feed store for fence charger.. .took an hour and half going there and back"
2008-04-09 19:57:31

Jennichrys earned 60XP and 30 gold for Errand - 30 minutes (double XP)

"Fancy Feed store for fence charger.. .took an hour and half going there and back"
2008-04-09 19:56:49

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed

"Master Bedroom"
2008-04-09 19:56:25

Jennichrys earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep

"Front Porch"
2008-04-09 19:55:46

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 38 gold for Vacuum (double XP)

"Dining room and Kitchen"
2008-04-09 19:55:26

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 44 gold for Vacuum (double XP)

"Den and Library"
2008-04-09 19:55:07

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 39 gold for Vacuum (double XP)

"Guest Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-09 19:54:51

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 44 gold for Vacuum

2008-04-09 19:54:39

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 31 gold for Vacuum (double XP)

"Master Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-09 19:54:20

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP)

"Dining room and Kitchen"
2008-04-09 19:53:50

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP)

"Den and Library"
2008-04-09 19:53:29

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP)

"Guest Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-09 19:53:07

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items (double XP)

"Master Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-09 19:52:49

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

"Master Bedroom and Bath"
2008-04-09 19:52:12

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 40 gold for Dusting

"Dining room"
2008-04-09 19:51:50

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 40 gold for Dusting (double XP)

"Den and Library"
2008-04-09 19:51:32

Tuesday th 8th of April 2008

Jennichrys earned 60XP for Doing Something Creative

2008-04-08 19:36:58

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"barn critters"
2008-04-08 19:36:30

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 23 gold for Wash Clothes

"Diapers, covers, wipes and doublers"
2008-04-08 19:36:02

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes

2008-04-08 19:35:34

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Make out the Grocery List

2008-04-08 19:35:10

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 35 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (double XP)

"Breakfast and Lunch for me and DD"
2008-04-08 19:34:04

Jennichrys earned 35XP and 87 gold for Cook Dinner

"Roast beef fajita salad"
2008-04-08 19:33:30

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 10 gold for Clean the Counters

2008-04-08 19:33:02

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table (double XP)

"kitchen and dining room tables"
2008-04-08 19:32:23

Jennichrys earned 60XP and 30 gold for Errand - 30 minutes (double XP)

"Went to the post office and feed store"
2008-04-08 19:31:24

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed

"Made Master Bed"
2008-04-08 19:31:00

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 50 gold for Clean the Toilet

"Master Bath"
2008-04-08 19:30:37

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 14 gold for Clean off Bathroom Counters & Sink

"Master Bath"
2008-04-08 19:30:17

Jennichrys earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep

"Swept the Front Porch"
2008-04-08 19:29:54

Jennichrys earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep

"Swept the Kitchen"
2008-04-08 19:29:40

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

"Picked up the Guest Room"
2008-04-08 19:29:11

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

"Picked up the Master Ba"
2008-04-08 19:28:39

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

"Picked up the Master Bedroom"
2008-04-08 19:28:15

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 40 gold for Dusting

"Dusted the Master Bathroom"
2008-04-08 19:27:26

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 40 gold for Dusting

"Dusted the Master Bedroom"
2008-04-08 19:26:28

Tuesday th 18th of March 2008

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (double XP)

"lunch and visiting from 2 to 4"
2008-03-18 22:45:10

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (double XP)

"visiting and lunch from 12 to 2"
2008-03-18 22:44:25

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 35 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"Coffee and Cookie plate for 4"
2008-03-18 22:43:58

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes

"packed up all of MIL spinning supplies"
2008-03-18 22:43:32

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 10 gold for Outdoors Small

"cleaned off front porch"
2008-03-18 22:43:12

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 39 gold for Vacuum (double XP)

"Upholstry of 3 couches and 2 chairs in den and library"
2008-03-18 22:42:19

Jennichrys earned 40XP, 42 gold and a Hand Vac for Vacuum (double XP)

"Den and Library"
2008-03-18 22:41:48

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 40 gold for Dusting (double XP)

"Den and Library"
2008-03-18 22:41:22

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes (double XP)

"sorted, un-batteried, and packed up old small toys"
2008-03-18 22:40:54

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes (double XP)

"wiped down, disassembled and packed away "big toys""
2008-03-18 22:40:14

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

2008-03-18 22:39:57

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 21 gold for Wash Clothes (double XP)

"Cold wash and diapers"
2008-03-18 22:39:28

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (double XP)

"Feed and let out in the morning, lock up and feed in the evening"
2008-03-18 22:38:43

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

"Master Bedroom"
2008-03-18 22:38:24

Jennichrys earned 25XP, 50 gold and a Teddy Bear for Make the Bed

"Master Bedroom"
2008-03-18 22:38:05

Monday th 17th of March 2008

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes

2008-03-17 19:58:23

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other (double XP)

"Removed 544 yards of yarn from MIL bobbins so I can return them tomorrow"
2008-03-17 19:56:01

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 25 gold for Wash the Windows

2008-03-17 19:54:49

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other (double XP)

"Block scarf and wrap for gift"
2008-03-17 19:54:12

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 75 gold for Grocery Shopping

2008-03-17 19:49:39

Jennichrys earned 7XP and 20 gold for Make out the Grocery List (half normal XP)

2008-03-17 19:49:09

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 31 gold for Cleaning the Oven

"Range top, including the yucky burner pans"
2008-03-17 19:48:33

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 14 gold for Clean the Counters

2008-03-17 19:47:47

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table (double XP)

"kitchen and dining room tables"
2008-03-17 19:47:23

Jennichrys earned 15XP, 25 gold and a 3-Paws-Up Award for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"Chicken treats"
2008-03-17 19:46:55

Jennichrys earned 50XP, 65 gold and a golden eggs for Clean the Fridge

"ran out of room for the groceries....had to do a purge"
2008-03-17 19:44:12

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 31 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"Put up chicken stock"
2008-03-17 19:43:30

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 50 gold for Clean the Toilet

"Guest Bath"
2008-03-17 19:41:20

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 10 gold for Clean off Bathroom Counters & Sink

"Guest Bath"
2008-03-17 19:38:04

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 42 gold for Vacuum

2008-03-17 19:37:42

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 43 gold for Vacuum (double XP)

"Library and Dining Room"
2008-03-17 19:37:22

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 44 gold for Vacuum (double XP)

"Guest Bedroom and Bath"
2008-03-17 19:36:55

Jennichrys earned 20XP, 40 gold and a Hand Vac for Vacuum

"Guest Bedroom and Bath"
2008-03-17 19:36:33

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 40 gold for Vacuum (double XP)

"Entrance and Hall"
2008-03-17 19:36:18

Jennichrys earned 40XP, 32 gold and a Bagless Vac for Vacuum (double XP)

"Master Bedroom and Bath"
2008-03-17 19:35:52

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 40 gold for Put Clothes Away

"Den- replace toy seats"
2008-03-17 19:35:28

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 25 gold for Wash Clothes

"Fabric toy seats"
2008-03-17 19:34:28

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 50 gold for Put Clothes Away

"Kitchen and Linen Closet"
2008-03-17 19:33:55

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes

"Bath and Kitchen Towels"
2008-03-17 19:33:28

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 29 gold for Wash Clothes

"Bath and Kitchen Towels"
2008-03-17 19:32:45

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 13 gold for Put Dishes Away

2008-03-17 19:31:57

Jennichrys earned 30XP, 16 gold and a dish detergent for Dishes (Dishwasher)

2008-03-17 19:31:35

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (double XP)

"Morning and Evening Let outs, feedings and put ups"
2008-03-17 19:30:48

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed

"Master Bedroom"
2008-03-17 19:28:39

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 33 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"Dinner for DD, DH fixed dinner for me."
2008-03-17 19:28:10

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 26 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (double XP)

"Breakfast and Lunch for me and DD"
2008-03-17 19:27:41

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 26 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"Packed DH's lunch"
2008-03-17 19:27:13

Sunday th 16th of March 2008

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 20 gold for Correspondence / Phone Calls

"exchanged addresses with cousin for another cousins baby shower"
2008-03-16 21:29:09

Jennichrys earned 35XP and 89 gold for Cook Dinner

"broiled salmon, steamed asparugus and a green salad"
2008-03-16 21:03:59

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Raking (double XP)

"Got up sticks and rocks from the "better grass area""
2008-03-16 21:00:45

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Outdoors: Large

"moved and stacked two piles of kindling from the pasture to the house"
2008-03-16 21:00:10

Jennichrys earned 50XP and 50 gold for Outdoors: Large (double XP)

"built a wood chip path down to the barn, 12 wheel barrow loads of chips."
2008-03-16 20:58:34

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Planting / Transplanting

"3rd bucket of pasture seed"
2008-03-16 20:57:43

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Planting / Transplanting (double XP)

"2 full buckets of pasture seed"
2008-03-16 20:56:16

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes

"went through electric fencing supplies"
2008-03-16 20:54:53

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Outdoors: Large

"Rehung pasture gate"
2008-03-16 20:54:30

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"barn critters"
2008-03-16 20:45:54

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 27 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"Breakfast for me, DH and DD"
2008-03-16 20:45:02

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

"Picked up the Den"
2008-03-16 20:44:45

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 40 gold for Dishes (By Hand)

"pots, pans, and knives used for the day"
2008-03-16 06:51:24

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour

""toured" the farm with Sally and the kids"
2008-03-16 06:50:32

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 30 gold for Outdoors: Average

"Put up wash line"
2008-03-16 06:49:02

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Outdoors: Large

"Disassembled, reassembled with strengthening brakets and moved chicken coop"
2008-03-16 06:48:00

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour

"Lowes for birdseed, vets to make appointment"
2008-03-16 06:46:41

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 7 gold for Clean the Counters

2008-03-16 06:46:16

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table (double XP)

"kitchen and dining room tables"
2008-03-16 06:45:54

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 20 gold for Taking out Trash / Recycling

2008-03-16 06:45:39

Jennichrys earned 35XP and 85 gold for Cook Dinner

"sauted chicken with red onion salsa and mashed cauliflower"
2008-03-16 06:45:00

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 31 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (double XP)

"Breakfast and lunch for family"
2008-03-16 06:44:29

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 15 gold for Put Dishes Away

2008-03-16 06:44:03

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 17 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher)

2008-03-16 06:43:40

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (double XP)

"Feed lambs and barn critters"
2008-03-16 06:42:54

Friday th 14th of March 2008

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (double XP)

"long shower, hair care, nail care, make up, the works."
2008-03-14 20:29:12

Jennichrys earned 100XP and 100 gold for Doing a BIG JOB (double XP)

"Sheared both sheep...took 2 hours.. obviously I am not a professional shearer."
2008-03-14 20:15:57

Jennichrys earned 7XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other (half normal XP)

"restocked bathroom supplies"
2008-03-14 20:15:31

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for Make out the Grocery List

2008-03-14 20:14:50

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 50 gold for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs)

"Went to feed store for hay, sheep pellets, chicken feed, and oyster shells - 160lbs of stuff"
2008-03-14 20:13:42

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"Prepped Shearing area"
2008-03-14 20:12:34

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other

2008-03-14 20:12:20

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 40 gold for Dishes (By Hand)

"Pots, pans, knives etc"
2008-03-14 20:11:33

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 15 gold for Clean off Bathroom Counters & Sink

"Cleaned Guest Bath Sink"
2008-03-14 20:11:04

Jennichrys earned 7XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other (half normal XP)

"Scrubbed the Kitchen Sink"
2008-03-14 20:10:38

Jennichrys earned 3XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other (one-quarter normal XP)

"Cleaned Coffee Maker"
2008-03-14 20:09:57

Jennichrys earned 15XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other

"Rinsed, de-labled, de-capped and de-ringed recycling"
2008-03-14 20:08:59

Jennichrys earned 10XP, 75 gold and a spatula for Grocery Shopping

2008-03-14 20:08:12

Jennichrys earned 12XP and 50 gold for Scrub The Tub (half normal XP)

"Scrubbed Master Bathroom Shower"
2008-03-14 20:07:39

Jennichrys earned 5XP and 20 gold for Clean the Shower Door / Shower Curtain (half normal XP)

"Cleaned Master Bathroom Shower Door"
2008-03-14 20:07:10

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 50 gold for Clean the Toilet

"Cleaned Guest Bath Toilet"
2008-03-14 20:06:46

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 40 gold for Dusting

"Dusted the Master Bedroom"
2008-03-14 20:06:06

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 40 gold for Dusting

2008-03-14 20:05:35

Jennichrys earned 20XP and 40 gold for Dusting

2008-03-14 20:05:05

Jennichrys earned 40XP and 27 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (double XP)

"Breakfast and Lunch for me and DD"
2008-03-14 20:04:44

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 26 gold for Wash Clothes

"Washed Master Bedroom Sheets"
2008-03-14 20:03:49

Jennichrys earned 30XP, 18 gold and a rinse aid for Dishes (Dishwasher)

2008-03-14 20:03:29

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 10 gold for Put Dishes Away

2008-03-14 20:03:07

Jennichrys earned 25XP and 50 gold for Make the Bed

"Made Master Bed"
2008-03-14 20:02:35

Jennichrys earned 10XP and 44 gold for Changing Bedding

"Master Bedroom"
2008-03-14 20:02:15

Jennichrys earned 15XP, 25 gold and a 3-Paws-Up Award for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"barn critters"
2008-03-14 20:01:53

Jennichrys earned 30XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (double XP)

"lamb feedings times 2"
2008-03-14 20:01:20