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rubber gloves (x3), Hand Vac, mechanical pencil, wooden spoon, flat rate priority box, dish scrubber (x6), bronze trophy, golden eggs (x3), reusable grocery bag, copper dust pan, Shiny Swiffer, gold dust pan, golden plunger, silver trophy, 3-Paws-Up Award (x2), rinse aid, gold trophy, spatula and 8155 gold pieces
MrsC is an Apprentice of Reclaiming The Home.

MrsC - Level 25 Fighter

Wednesday th 12th of March 2008

MrsC earned 15XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other

"pay bills"
2008-03-12 17:23:25

MrsC earned 10XP and 20 gold for Taking out Trash / Recycling

2008-03-12 17:22:39

MrsC earned 24XP and 50 gold for Sticking to Diet - Whole Day

2008-03-12 17:22:15

MrsC earned 30XP and 35 gold for Exercise (double XP)

"30 minutes"
2008-03-12 17:21:27

MrsC earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"walk/feed various animals"
2008-03-12 17:20:52

MrsC earned 10XP and 12 gold for Put Dishes Away

"from dishwasher"
2008-03-12 17:16:48

MrsC earned 30XP and 20 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher)

2008-03-12 17:14:40

MrsC earned 15XP and 20 gold for Make out the Grocery List

2008-03-12 17:13:30

MrsC earned 10XP and 39 gold for Put Clothes Away

2008-03-12 17:12:56

MrsC earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes

2008-03-12 17:12:12

MrsC earned 10XP, 75 gold and a spatula for Grocery Shopping

2008-03-12 17:11:16

MrsC earned 10XP and 20 gold for Wash Clothes

2008-03-12 15:46:04

MrsC earned 35XP and 85 gold for Cook Dinner

"cornflake chicken, broccoli with pasta bowties"
2008-03-12 15:45:07

MrsC earned 40XP, 31 gold and a dish scrubber for Dishes (By Hand)

2008-03-12 15:44:45

MrsC earned 30XP and 35 gold for Pantry Inventory

2008-03-12 15:44:24

MrsC earned 50XP, 64 gold and a golden eggs for Clean the Fridge

2008-03-12 15:43:35

MrsC earned 50XP, 68 gold and a golden eggs for Clean the Fridge

2008-03-12 15:43:33

MrsC earned 30XP and 20 gold for Correspondence / Phone Calls

2008-03-12 14:21:25

MrsC earned 50XP and 100 gold for Doing a BIG JOB

"spent 1.5 hours going through and paying dad's medical bills"
2008-03-12 14:20:08

MrsC earned 35XP and 75 gold for Cook Dinner (the day before)

2008-03-12 14:19:45

MrsC earned 5XP and 11 gold for Clean the Counters (the day before)

2008-03-12 14:19:26

MrsC earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (the day before)

2008-03-12 14:19:01

MrsC earned 10XP and 21 gold for Wash Clothes (the day before)

"wash dog blankets"
2008-03-12 14:18:34

MrsC earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour

"rosary and mass with dad"
2008-03-12 14:17:56

MrsC earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour

"dance class for little girl"
2008-03-12 14:16:59

MrsC earned 5XP and 5 gold for Ironing

"5th shirt"
2008-03-12 14:15:42

MrsC earned 10XP and 5 gold for Ironing (double XP)

"4 of 5 shirts"
2008-03-12 14:13:41

MrsC earned 10XP and 5 gold for Ironing (double XP)

"2 of 5 shirts"
2008-03-12 14:12:47

MrsC earned 5XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table

2008-03-12 14:12:15

MrsC earned 50XP and 100 gold for Volunteering

"take neighbors kids, feed lunch and put on bus"
2008-03-12 14:11:36

Tuesday th 11th of March 2008

MrsC earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

2008-03-11 16:22:21

MrsC earned 20XP and 36 gold for Vacuum (the day before)

"den/kitchen area"
2008-03-11 16:21:35

Monday th 10th of March 2008

MrsC earned 30XP and 35 gold for Exercise (double XP)

"dance class"
2008-03-10 19:59:23

MrsC earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes

"wash kids hair"
2008-03-10 19:58:51

MrsC earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes

2008-03-10 19:58:22

MrsC earned 10XP and 13 gold for Put Dishes Away

2008-03-10 17:17:10

MrsC earned 40XP, 45 gold and a dish scrubber for Dishes (By Hand)

2008-03-10 17:16:55

MrsC earned 30XP and 35 gold for Exercise (double XP)

"30 minutes at Curves"
2008-03-10 17:16:23

MrsC earned 30XP, 35 gold and a gold trophy for Exercise (double XP)

"DWTS on Wii"
2008-03-10 17:15:50

MrsC earned 35XP and 79 gold for Cook Dinner

"tacos (yuck)"
2008-03-10 17:14:54

MrsC earned 15XP and 25 gold for Updating Blog / Website

2008-03-10 10:54:41

MrsC earned 10XP and 14 gold for Clean off Bathroom Counters & Sink

"kids bathroom"
2008-03-10 10:54:04

MrsC earned 10XP and 10 gold for Put Dishes Away

2008-03-10 10:53:22

MrsC earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"walk/feed various critters"
2008-03-10 10:52:45

MrsC earned 10XP and 23 gold for Wash Clothes

2008-03-10 10:52:12

MrsC earned 10XP and 28 gold for Wash Clothes

2008-03-10 10:51:54

MrsC earned 10XP and 31 gold for Put Clothes Away

2008-03-10 10:51:37

MrsC earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes

2008-03-10 10:51:13

MrsC earned 10XP and 42 gold for Put Clothes Away

2008-03-10 10:50:52

MrsC earned 50XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes (double XP)

"2 baskets of kids clothes"
2008-03-10 10:50:26

MrsC earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes

2008-03-10 10:50:01

MrsC earned 20XP and 43 gold for Put Clothes Away (double XP)

"2 baskets of the kids clothes that I let pile up"
2008-03-10 10:49:30

Sunday th 9th of March 2008

MrsC earned 15XP, 25 gold and a 3-Paws-Up Award for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"scoop laundry room cat box"
2008-03-09 18:16:58

MrsC earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (2 days previously)

"feed/walk various pets"
2008-03-09 18:16:34

MrsC earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (the day before)

"feed/walk various pets"
2008-03-09 18:16:10

MrsC earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"feed/walk various pets"
2008-03-09 18:15:43

MrsC earned 5XP and 5 gold for Clean the Counters (2 days previously)

"cookie mess"
2008-03-09 18:15:10

MrsC earned 40XP and 37 gold for Dishes (By Hand) (2 days previously)

"cookie mess"
2008-03-09 18:14:48

MrsC earned 20XP and 31 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (2 days previously)

2008-03-09 18:14:16

MrsC earned 10XP and 75 gold for Grocery Shopping (the day before)

2008-03-09 18:13:37

MrsC earned 10XP and 20 gold for Taking out Trash / Recycling (the day before)

2008-03-09 18:13:14

MrsC earned 30XP and 50 gold for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs) (the day before)

"cat litter changed upstairs box"
2008-03-09 18:12:42

MrsC earned 10XP and 14 gold for Put Dishes Away

2008-03-09 18:12:00

MrsC earned 30XP, 29 gold and a rinse aid for Dishes (Dishwasher) (the day before)

2008-03-09 18:11:41

MrsC earned 5XP and 6 gold for Clean the Counters (the day before)

2008-03-09 18:11:24

MrsC earned 5XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table (the day before)

2008-03-09 18:11:11

MrsC earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour

"shopping for first communion dress"
2008-03-09 18:10:28

MrsC earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (the day before)

"comp team exhibition dance"
2008-03-09 18:10:07

MrsC earned 40XP, 33 gold and a dish scrubber for Dishes (By Hand)

2008-03-09 18:09:56

MrsC earned 35XP and 82 gold for Cook Dinner

"slow cooker lemon chicken"
2008-03-09 18:09:28

MrsC earned 10XP and 23 gold for Wash Clothes

2008-03-09 18:09:12

MrsC earned 30XP and 35 gold for Exercise (double XP)

"dwts on wii"
2008-03-09 18:08:40

MrsC earned 50XP and 100 gold for Volunteering (the day before)

2008-03-09 18:08:14

MrsC earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes

2008-03-09 18:07:52

MrsC earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (the day before)

2008-03-09 18:07:31

MrsC earned 15XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other (2 days previously)

2008-03-09 18:06:43

MrsC earned 10XP and 5 gold for Ironing (double XP) (3 days previously)

"2 shirts"
2008-03-09 18:05:28

MrsC earned 15XP and 54 gold for Balance The Checkbook (2 days previously)

2008-03-09 18:04:30

MrsC earned 50XP and 100 gold for Volunteering

"Sarah's class"
2008-03-09 18:03:25

Thursday th 6th of March 2008

MrsC earned 10XP and 11 gold for Put Dishes Away

"empty dishwasher"
2008-03-06 18:59:12

MrsC earned 10XP and 75 gold for Grocery Shopping

2008-03-06 18:57:23

MrsC earned 30XP and 50 gold for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs)

"laundry room cat box cleaned"
2008-03-06 18:56:44

MrsC earned 15XP and 15 gold for Pick up Stray Items

"kids stuff"
2008-03-06 18:56:18

MrsC earned 10XP and 26 gold for Wash Clothes

2008-03-06 18:54:55

MrsC earned 25XP and 10 gold for Declutter 10 items

"kitchen area"
2008-03-06 18:54:13

MrsC earned 30XP and 35 gold for Exercise (double XP)

2008-03-06 18:53:46

MrsC earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes

2008-03-06 18:53:30

MrsC earned 10XP and 41 gold for Put Clothes Away

2008-03-06 18:53:10

MrsC earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes

2008-03-06 18:52:54

MrsC earned 10XP and 28 gold for Wash Clothes

2008-03-06 18:52:31

MrsC earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

2008-03-06 18:52:14

MrsC earned 10XP and 20 gold for Taking out Trash / Recycling

2008-03-06 18:51:51

MrsC earned 40XP and 30 gold for Dishes (By Hand)

2008-03-06 18:51:33

MrsC earned 10XP and 13 gold for Put Dishes Away

2008-03-06 18:51:14

MrsC earned 35XP and 79 gold for Cook Dinner

2008-03-06 18:50:52

MrsC earned 5XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table

2008-03-06 18:50:36

MrsC earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour

"gymnastics with young one"
2008-03-06 18:50:08

MrsC earned 20XP and 41 gold for Vacuum

2008-03-06 18:49:33

MrsC earned 14XP and 20 gold for Sweep (double XP)

"kitchen, breakfast room, hall and foyer"
2008-03-06 18:48:50

Wednesday th 5th of March 2008

MrsC earned 30XP and 17 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher)

2008-03-05 17:59:04

MrsC earned 30XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (double XP)

"soaking in the tub by myself with a book for 30 minutes."
2008-03-05 17:57:48

MrsC earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

2008-03-05 17:57:21

MrsC earned 10XP and 47 gold for Put Clothes Away

2008-03-05 17:57:03

MrsC earned 40XP, 41 gold and a rubber gloves for Dishes (By Hand)

2008-03-05 17:56:44

MrsC earned 35XP and 81 gold for Cook Dinner

2008-03-05 17:56:20

MrsC earned 5XP and 13 gold for Clean the Counters

2008-03-05 17:56:02

MrsC earned 5XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table

2008-03-05 17:55:45

MrsC earned 10XP and 75 gold for Grocery Shopping

2008-03-05 17:55:22

MrsC earned 50XP and 50 gold for Going to a Doctor/Dentist Appt.

"took dad's papers for medicaid"
2008-03-05 17:54:40

MrsC earned 15XP and 50 gold for Going to the Bank

2008-03-05 17:54:15

MrsC earned 30XP and 50 gold for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs)

"laundry room kitty box changed"
2008-03-05 09:33:52

MrsC earned 10XP and 11 gold for Put Dishes Away

"unload dishwasher"
2008-03-05 09:33:24

MrsC earned 30XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other (double XP)

"gather dad's paperwork for medicaid"
2008-03-05 09:32:28

MrsC earned 30XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other (double XP)

"clipped and organized coupons"
2008-03-05 09:31:54

MrsC earned 10XP and 38 gold for Put Clothes Away

2008-03-05 09:31:05

MrsC earned 10XP and 20 gold for Wash Clothes

"throw rugs"
2008-03-05 09:30:06

MrsC earned 10XP and 27 gold for Wash Clothes

"dark clothes"
2008-03-05 09:29:31

Tuesday th 4th of March 2008

MrsC earned 30XP and 20 gold for Correspondence / Phone Calls

"pay bills"
2008-03-04 20:37:25

MrsC earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes

2008-03-04 20:36:58

MrsC earned 10XP and 5 gold for Ironing (double XP)

2008-03-04 20:36:30

MrsC earned 10XP and 50 gold for Put Clothes Away

2008-03-04 20:36:03

MrsC earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes

2008-03-04 20:35:44

MrsC earned 10XP and 25 gold for Wash Clothes

2008-03-04 20:35:16

MrsC earned 10XP and 12 gold for Put Dishes Away

2008-03-04 17:32:42

MrsC earned 15XP, 25 gold and a 3-Paws-Up Award for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

2008-03-04 17:32:17

MrsC earned 7XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (half normal XP)

"6 year old to dance class"
2008-03-04 17:30:06

MrsC earned 35XP and 78 gold for Cook Dinner

2008-03-04 17:28:05

MrsC earned 50XP and 50 gold for Going to a Doctor/Dentist Appt.

"took dad to preplan funeral"
2008-03-04 17:27:22

MrsC earned 30XP, 35 gold and a silver trophy for Exercise (double XP) (the day before)

"dance class"
2008-03-04 17:26:17

MrsC earned 30XP and 35 gold for Exercise (double XP) (the day before)

2008-03-04 17:25:29

MrsC earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (the day before)

2008-03-04 17:24:18

MrsC earned 5XP and 8 gold for Clean the Counters (the day before)

2008-03-04 17:23:42

MrsC earned 5XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table (the day before)

2008-03-04 17:23:26

MrsC earned 30XP and 21 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher) (the day before)

2008-03-04 17:23:07

MrsC earned 40XP, 43 gold and a dish scrubber for Dishes (By Hand) (the day before)

2008-03-04 17:22:40

MrsC earned 35XP and 93 gold for Cook Dinner (the day before)

"lemon chicken"
2008-03-04 17:21:16

MrsC earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (the day before)

2008-03-04 17:20:49

MrsC earned 20XP, 50 gold and a golden plunger for Clean the Toilet (2 days previously)

"downstairs bath"
2008-03-04 15:25:01

MrsC earned 10XP and 11 gold for Clean off Bathroom Counters & Sink (2 days previously)

"downstairs bath"
2008-03-04 15:24:42

MrsC earned 10XP and 14 gold for Put Dishes Away (2 days previously)

2008-03-04 15:24:17

MrsC earned 40XP and 34 gold for Dishes (By Hand) (2 days previously)

2008-03-04 15:23:36

MrsC earned 20XP and 25 gold for Wash the Windows (3 days previously)

2008-03-04 15:23:02

MrsC earned 20XP and 40 gold for Dusting (2 days previously)

2008-03-04 15:22:35

MrsC earned 26XP and 50 gold for Mop (double XP) (2 days previously)

"kitchen, hall, foyer, bathroom"
2008-03-04 15:22:08

MrsC earned 14XP, 20 gold and a gold dust pan for Sweep (double XP) (2 days previously)

"kitchen, hall, foyer and bathroom"
2008-03-04 15:21:18

MrsC earned 25XP and 10 gold for Declutter 10 items (2 days previously)

"dining room"
2008-03-04 15:20:45

MrsC earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (2 days previously)

2008-03-04 15:20:16

MrsC earned 10XP and 75 gold for Grocery Shopping (2 days previously)

2008-03-04 15:19:54

MrsC earned 30XP and 40 gold for Decorating (2 days previously)

"for party"
2008-03-04 15:19:18

MrsC earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (3 days previously)

2008-03-04 15:19:00

MrsC earned 5XP and 5 gold for Clean the Counters (3 days previously)

2008-03-04 15:18:22

MrsC earned 40XP and 39 gold for Dishes (By Hand) (3 days previously)

2008-03-04 15:17:54

MrsC earned 30XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (double XP) (3 days previously)

"Emily to dance class and rehearsal"
2008-03-04 15:17:15

MrsC earned 20XP and 25 gold for Cook or Bake (other) (3 days previously)

"bake Sarah's cake"
2008-03-04 15:16:41

MrsC earned 25XP and 10 gold for Declutter 10 items (3 days previously)

"computer area"
2008-03-04 15:16:12

MrsC earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour

"took dad and daughter for birthday lunch"
2008-03-04 15:15:26

MrsC earned 13XP, 50 gold and a Shiny Swiffer for Mop (3 days previously)

"living room"
2008-03-04 15:14:37

MrsC earned 7XP, 20 gold and a copper dust pan for Sweep (3 days previously)

"living room"
2008-03-04 15:14:03

MrsC earned 50XP and 100 gold for Volunteering (3 days previously)

"taught CCD class Saturday"
2008-03-04 15:12:24

MrsC earned 50XP and 20 gold for Declutter 20 items (2 days previously)

2008-03-04 15:09:02

Friday th 29th of February 2008

MrsC earned 10XP and 15 gold for Put Dishes Away

2008-02-29 21:09:34

MrsC earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep (the day before)

2008-02-29 21:08:33

MrsC earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes

2008-02-29 21:06:58

MrsC earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes

2008-02-29 21:04:55

MrsC earned 40XP and 48 gold for Dishes (By Hand)

2008-02-29 21:04:34

MrsC earned 35XP and 75 gold for Cook Dinner

"potato cheese soup"
2008-02-29 21:04:09

MrsC earned 10XP and 41 gold for Put Clothes Away

2008-02-29 21:03:48

MrsC earned 5XP and 10 gold for Clean the Counters

2008-02-29 21:03:30

MrsC earned 5XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table

2008-02-29 21:03:14

MrsC earned 30XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (double XP)

"party store, target, haircut for young one, lunch out"
2008-02-29 21:02:27

MrsC earned 10XP, 75 gold and a reusable grocery bag for Grocery Shopping

2008-02-29 21:02:00

MrsC earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)

"walk dogs 3x day"
2008-02-29 21:01:29

MrsC earned 20XP and 33 gold for Cook or Bake (other)

"dad's birthday cake"
2008-02-29 21:00:47

MrsC earned 3XP and 50 gold for Going to the Bank (one-quarter normal XP)

"online banking"
2008-02-29 21:00:21

MrsC earned 20XP and 38 gold for Vacuum

"master bedroom"
2008-02-29 20:59:45

Thursday th 28th of February 2008

MrsC earned 15XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour

"smallest of the small ones to gymnastics"
2008-02-28 20:29:30

MrsC earned 50XP and 50 gold for Going to a Doctor/Dentist Appt.

"actually picked oldest up from work to go pick up repaired car"
2008-02-28 20:27:55

MrsC earned 15XP and 50 gold for Going to the Bank

2008-02-28 20:25:06

MrsC earned 10XP and 20 gold for Taking out Trash / Recycling

"hauled can and recycling to curb"
2008-02-28 20:24:09

MrsC earned 50XP and 100 gold for Volunteering

2008-02-28 20:23:31

MrsC earned 30XP and 24 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher)

2008-02-28 20:22:29

MrsC earned 40XP, 33 gold and a dish scrubber for Dishes (By Hand)

2008-02-28 20:22:08

MrsC earned 35XP and 83 gold for Cook Dinner

"pork chops, rice, salad"
2008-02-28 20:21:30

MrsC earned 5XP and 10 gold for Clean the Counters

2008-02-28 20:21:11

MrsC earned 5XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table

2008-02-28 20:20:57

MrsC earned 50XP and 50 gold for Going to a Doctor/Dentist Appt.

"dentist for me"
2008-02-28 20:20:18

Wednesday th 27th of February 2008

MrsC earned 50XP, 59 gold and a golden eggs for Clean the Fridge

2008-02-27 14:46:31

MrsC earned 30XP and 19 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher)

2008-02-27 14:45:58

MrsC earned 50XP and 50 gold for Going to a Doctor/Dentist Appt.

"dad to doctor"
2008-02-27 14:45:15

MrsC earned 30XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes (double XP)

"organized 2 kids school papers into bankers boxes"
2008-02-27 11:21:00

MrsC earned 100XP and 40 gold for Declutter 40 items

2008-02-27 11:20:41

MrsC earned 30XP and 40 gold for Decorating

"hung floral pictures in powder room"
2008-02-27 11:20:16

MrsC earned 30XP and 50 gold for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs)

"changed laundry room cat box"
2008-02-27 11:19:12

MrsC earned 15XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other

2008-02-27 11:17:42

MrsC earned 5XP and 10 gold for Outdoors Small

"shoveled the deck so the dogs could go out and pee"
2008-02-27 05:29:47

MrsC earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs) (the day before)

"feed & water dogs/cats "
2008-02-27 05:28:47

MrsC earned 40XP, 37 gold and a rubber gloves for Dishes (By Hand) (the day before)

2008-02-27 04:49:56

MrsC earned 5XP and 8 gold for Clean the Counters (the day before)

2008-02-27 04:49:13

MrsC earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes (the day before)

2008-02-27 04:48:42

MrsC earned 30XP and 35 gold for Exercise (double XP) (the day before)

"DWTS on Will"
2008-02-27 04:48:01

MrsC earned 5XP and 15 gold for Clean off the Table

2008-02-27 04:47:30

MrsC earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes (the day before)

"white load"
2008-02-27 04:47:06

MrsC earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes

2008-02-27 04:46:19