STR: | 14 | Inventory: golden toothbrush (x2), Golden Bubble (x4), Bucket & Sponge (x3), rubber gloves (x3), dish scrubber (x3), 3-Paws-Up Award (x5), Doctor's Lollipop (x2), postage stamp, spatula, dishcloth (x3), copper dust pan (x2), express envelope (x2), golden bubble, wooden spoon, golden eggs and 9059 gold pieces |
CON: | 18 | |
DEX: | 18 | |
CHR: | 11 | |
INT: | 12 | |
WIS: | 8 | |
XP: | 7608 | |
Morigaine is an Apprentice of Reclaiming The Home. |
- April 2008 (4994 XP)
- May 2008 (2001 XP)
- June 2008 (378 XP)
- May 2009 (170 XP)
- February 2011 (65 XP)
Morigaine - Level 39 Ranger
Wednesday th 2nd of February 2011
Morigaine earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hygiene - 15 minutes
2011-02-02 15:13:33
Morigaine earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)
2011-02-02 15:13:00
Morigaine earned 10XP and 29 gold for Wash Clothes
2011-02-02 15:12:48
Morigaine earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes
2011-02-02 15:12:18
Monday th 11th of May 2009
Morigaine earned 5XP and 10 gold for Outdoors Small (the day before)
"Scooped poop"
2009-05-11 09:12:45
Morigaine earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)
"Morning routine"
2009-05-11 09:11:17
Morigaine earned 30XP and 50 gold for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs) (the day before)
"Clipped ferret nails and scrubbed shelves"
2009-05-11 09:10:38
Morigaine earned 10XP and 29 gold for Wash Clothes
2009-05-11 09:10:08
Morigaine earned 10XP and 12 gold for Put Dishes Away
2009-05-11 09:09:34
Morigaine earned 40XP, 41 gold and a rubber gloves for Dishes (By Hand)
2009-05-11 09:09:10
Thursday th 7th of May 2009
Morigaine earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)
"Morning routine"
2009-05-07 06:01:51
Saturday th 7th of June 2008
Morigaine earned 60XP and 50 gold for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs) (double XP) (7 days previously)
"Complete change and cleaning of 4 litterboxes"
2008-06-07 15:46:20
Morigaine earned 15XP and 15 gold for Hair and Nail Care (7 days previously)
"Had hair hennaed"
2008-06-07 15:45:10
Morigaine earned 15XP and 15 gold for Planting / Transplanting (7 days previously)
"Planted morning glory seeds around deck (they are up already!)"
2008-06-07 15:44:33
Morigaine earned 12XP and 50 gold for Clean Inside of car (one-quarter normal XP)
"Cleaned out front seat and backseat (cups, curlers, trash)"
2008-06-07 15:43:42
Morigaine earned 15XP, 11 gold and an express envelope for Postal Patrol (the day before)
"Mail 2 red scarves and box of soap"
2008-06-07 15:43:07
Morigaine earned 60XP for Doing Something Creative
"Knit square for Indulgence's afghan"
2008-06-07 15:42:11
Morigaine earned 40XP, 46 gold and a dish scrubber for Dishes (By Hand)
"Plates, cups and glasses"
2008-06-07 15:41:33
Morigaine earned 16XP, 74 gold and a golden eggs for Clean the Fridge (one-third normal XP)
"Wiped down two shelves and stocked new refrigeratables"
2008-06-07 15:40:44
Morigaine earned 60XP and 60 gold for Misc. Errands - 1 hour
"Take the Rosses to see boxer puppies :)"
2008-06-07 15:40:13
Morigaine earned 10XP, 75 gold and a wooden spoon for Grocery Shopping
2008-06-07 15:40:00
Saturday th 17th of May 2008
Morigaine earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)
"Morning routine"
2008-05-17 10:05:44
Morigaine earned 10XP, 23 gold and a Golden Bubble for Wash Clothes (the day before)
2008-05-17 10:05:02
Morigaine earned 5XP and 6 gold for Wiping off Stove Top
2008-05-17 10:04:42
Morigaine earned 40XP and 36 gold for Dishes (By Hand)
2008-05-17 10:04:22
Morigaine earned 15XP and 27 gold for Library Trip (7 days previously)
"Book for goddess research"
2008-05-17 10:03:45
Morigaine earned 15XP and 50 gold for Going to the Bank (the day before)
2008-05-17 10:03:24
Morigaine earned 19XP, 50 gold and a Bucket & Sponge for Mop (half-again XP)
"Living room/dining room/hall"
2008-05-17 10:02:15
Thursday th 8th of May 2008
Morigaine earned 30XP and 50 gold for Caring for Critters (Med/Large Jobs)
"Clean/change/scrub out one ferret cage"
2008-05-08 05:45:40
Morigaine earned 60XP for Doing Something Creative (the day before)
"Knitty lunch bunch; help others frog and find lost stitches; work a little on traveling scarf; discuss agenda for upcoming group projects"
2008-05-08 05:43:17
Morigaine earned 50XP and 50 gold for Going to a Doctor/Dentist Appt. (the day before)
2008-05-08 05:42:11
Morigaine earned 30XP and 20 gold for Correspondence / Phone Calls (the day before)
"DDB emails and postings about Chain Off 2008"
2008-05-08 05:41:44
Morigaine earned 2XP and 5 gold for Flossing (the day before)
2008-05-08 05:41:18
Morigaine earned 6XP and 50 gold for Clean the Toilet (one-third normal XP)
2008-05-08 05:41:01
Morigaine earned 10XP and 10 gold for Clean off Bathroom Counters & Sink (the day before)
2008-05-08 05:40:16
Morigaine earned 26XP and 50 gold for Mop (double XP)
"Scrub and squeegee puppy room."
2008-05-08 05:39:36
Wednesday th 7th of May 2008
Morigaine earned 60XP for Doing Something Creative (the day before)
"Knitty lunch bunch"
2008-05-07 05:57:30
Morigaine earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)
"Morning routine"
2008-05-07 05:57:15
Morigaine earned 25XP and 100 gold for Volunteering (half normal XP) (the day before)
"Worked on CoF shawl"
2008-05-07 05:56:16
Morigaine earned 7XP and 50 gold for Outing - 1 hour (half normal XP) (the day before)
"Used free ticket to opera (very nice but left at intermission)"
2008-05-07 05:55:23
Morigaine earned 30XP and 20 gold for Correspondence / Phone Calls (the day before)
"DDB correspondence re upcoming Chain Off and planning meeting; set up Ravelry group re same"
2008-05-07 05:54:30
Morigaine earned 25XP, 50 gold and a golden bubble for Scrub The Tub
2008-05-07 05:54:14
Morigaine earned 6XP and 50 gold for Clean the Toilet (one-third normal XP)
2008-05-07 05:53:54
Morigaine earned 10XP and 14 gold for Clean off Bathroom Counters & Sink
2008-05-07 05:53:46
Monday th 5th of May 2008
Morigaine earned 60XP for Doing Something Creative (the day before)
"Work on traveling scarf (struggle with pattern) :("
2008-05-05 05:56:43
Morigaine earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)
"Morning routine"
2008-05-05 05:56:25
Morigaine earned 10XP and 20 gold for Taking out Trash / Recycling
"Haul garbage down to alley"
2008-05-05 05:55:55
Morigaine earned 20XP and 27 gold for Cook or Bake (other)
"White choc peppermint bark for Kali"
2008-05-05 05:55:17
Morigaine earned 35XP and 76 gold for Cook Dinner (the day before)
"Cabbage and noodles for SO"
2008-05-05 05:54:55
Morigaine earned 10XP and 50 gold for Changing Bedding (the day before)
2008-05-05 05:54:27
Morigaine earned 25XP and 50 gold for Scrub The Tub
2008-05-05 05:54:21
Sunday th 4th of May 2008
Morigaine earned 15XP, 25 gold and a 3-Paws-Up Award for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)
"Afternoon routine"
2008-05-04 19:06:29
Morigaine earned 5XP and 19 gold for Wiping off Stove Top
2008-05-04 19:05:50
Morigaine earned 60XP and 60 gold for Misc. Errands - 1 hour
"Pick up tile from freecycler; take puppies to Petco for puppy food and litter"
2008-05-04 19:04:10
Morigaine earned 10XP and 21 gold for Wash Clothes
2008-05-04 13:57:36
Morigaine earned 40XP and 42 gold for Vacuum (double XP)
"Living/dining/hall - corners and floorboards"
2008-05-04 13:56:23
Morigaine earned 70XP and 50 gold for Cleaning Carpet (double XP)
"Scrub cat tree; drag outside to air. :("
2008-05-04 13:55:03
Morigaine earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)
"Morning routine"
2008-05-04 10:36:29
Morigaine earned 20XP and 25 gold for Wash Clothes (double XP)
"Cold water load; tshirt (colors) load"
2008-05-04 10:35:47
Morigaine earned 8XP and 50 gold for Line Drying Laundry (one-third normal XP)
"Hang cold water items to dry"
2008-05-04 10:35:09
Morigaine earned 25XP and 30 gold for Folding the Clothes (the day before)
2008-05-04 10:34:31
Morigaine earned 40XP, 47 gold and a dishcloth for Dishes (By Hand)
2008-05-04 10:34:12
Morigaine earned 15XP and 20 gold for Organizing - 15 minutes (the day before)
"A bit of yarn reorganization"
2008-05-04 10:33:18
Saturday th 3rd of May 2008
Morigaine earned 15XP and 20 gold for 15 minutes - Other
"Sort several loads of clothes to wash"
2008-05-03 14:48:33
Morigaine earned 120XP for Doing Something Creative (double XP)
"Work on Noro Silk Garden Lite shawl"
2008-05-03 14:00:45
Morigaine earned 120XP for Doing Something Creative (double XP) (the day before)
"Cast on and begin shawl from Noro Silk Garden Lite received in Ravelry exchange... gorgeous!!"
2008-05-03 13:59:57
Morigaine earned 15XP and 25 gold for Caring for Critters (Small Jobs)
"Clip Rico Suave's toenails"
2008-05-03 13:59:34
Morigaine earned 30XP and 21 gold for Dishes (Dishwasher)
2008-05-03 13:58:42
Morigaine earned 5XP and 5 gold for Clean the Counters
2008-05-03 13:58:26
Morigaine earned 100XP and 100 gold for Volunteering (double XP)
"Work on CoF shawl"
2008-05-03 13:58:02
Morigaine earned 50XP and 50 gold for Going to a Doctor/Dentist Appt. (the day before)
"Counseling appt"
2008-05-03 13:57:37
Morigaine earned 30XP and 30 gold for Errand - 30 minutes (the day before)
"Took change to Coinstar at Giant Eagle; picked up one more goodie for Ravelry exchange."
2008-05-03 13:57:00
Morigaine earned 7XP and 20 gold for Sweep
"Bathroom (after minpin destroyed roll of tp) "
2008-05-03 13:56:17